Variable angle double station notching machine – DAV 206

Product details

Variable angle double station notcher:

  • Code: DAV 206
  • Category: All-in-one Notching + Punching Machine
  • Brand: AVM Srl Sheet Metal Machinery
  • Download: Product specifications sheet

Notching station:

Our hydraulic notching machines are equipped with two cylinders to ensure smooth and accurate notching.

The work bench is sturdy and wide. It is fitted with scaled brass rods with a triple function for measuring different types of notch. Thanks to rectified backgauges and scaled rods, operators can rapidly and accurately position workpieces.

The many T-slots on the bench allow for the use of mechanical and/or hide-away backstops to perform complex notching cycles. To make your work easier still, set squares feature reference holes every 15°.

The exceptional stability of the notching unit  is guaranteed by side columns and a centre guide.

The internal backstop will allow you to transform the notching machine into a small shearing unit to cut strips with a length of up 200 mm.

The configuration of the blade head allows you to obtain cuts that are longer than the blade; furthermore, 5 cylinders allow you to clamp the blade holders in place.

A safety device prevents movement of the machine when blades are locked. In the cutting zone, a hand guard allows you to work in the safest manner possible and with no impaired visibility.

AVM double station notching machines are fitted with a handy electronic stroke regulator with digital readout.

Rectified guides guarantee fixed alignment between top and bottom blades and ensure perfectly parallel blade movement.

The control board allows you to select single-stroke or jog operation, to allow for customised work and to optimise your work cycle, thanks also to the electronic stroke regulator that locks the stroke in an established position.

All of our notching machines are fitted with a box for scrap collection.

Punching station:

The punching station of our DAV notching machines is equipped with a quick changeover tool holder that can be of the following types: Trumpf®, Rainer® or Fim®

The slot is size 300 mm and the punching force is 20 Tons.

Thanks to an electronic device that reduces downstroke speed, you can perform particularly tricky operations such as for instance small bends.

It is equipped with a special adapter for accommodating bending tools with a maximum length of 415 mm, and with brass scaled rods for reading the position of the 2 axes.

Technical Specifications

Notching Station m.u.  
Blade length mm 205
Max. sheet metal thickness mm Blade at 60°, max. thickness 6 mm
Blade at 30°, max. thickness 4 mm 
Max. stainless steel thickness mm Blade at 60°, max. thickness 4 mm
Blade at 30°, max. thickness 3mm
Sheet clamps 4
Automatic clearance adjustment yes
Motor power kW 3
Strokes/minute Nm 50
Workbench dimensions mm 950 x 1000
Height of workbench mm 930
Tank capacity L 40
Cutting angle ° From 30 to 140
Electronic stroke regulation yes
Machine Dimensions    
Overall dimensions ( L x D x H ) mm 1395x950x1200
Approx. weight kg 1550
Punching Station    
Gooseneck mm 300
Max. hole diameter mm 60
Power Kn 20
Bench dimensions mm 800×600

Optional accessories:

Spare parts:

N.B.:  *All the blades can also be provided in HSS

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