Spare Parts and Accessories

Sales of Spare Parts

We supply qualified assistance for retrieving  commonly used spare parts, such as blades for notching machines and shearing machines, as well as punches, tools for bending machines, cutters, etc.

Our spare parts will keep your machines in perfect working order and preserve their features and performance over time.

Spare parts and accessories catalogue

It is essential for us to provide the best advice and supply the optimal solution for your needs. Thanks to the use of cutting-edge materials and technology, we guarantee that our tools are durable and reliable over time.

Do not hesitate to contact us by calling 0039 059 573033 or by sending an email to

Sales of Tools and Accessories

We supply a  complete range of top quality toolsso that you will always achieve the best results:

  • BENDING TOOLS –from standard versions to  special versions for special machining.
  • PUNCHING TOOLS –tools for punching of different types for any type of operation.
    The standard type is made of steel but we can also supply tools with  different kinds of plating to increase their service life.
  • SPECIAL TOOLS –we can offer a vast assortment of  punches, dies and other special tools that can be used for shaping and deforming sheet metal or for optimising machining processes in order to increase the performance of your press brakes and/or punching machines.
  • CUSTOM-MADE TOOLS –we also produce tools based on our customers’ drawings.

Our company supplies original and compatible spare parts of a variety of brands and at  highly competitive prices.

We also supply a wide range of accessories to complete your machine, and to improve and optimise operations.

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