

We offer after-sales assistance and training so that customers can gain all the knowledge they need and exploit all the potential of their machines.

Machine Set-up and Activation

We set up and put your machines into operation, with the aim to reach the optimal level of productivity.


We completely renew the mechanical parts and the electrical system of your old bending, shearing, notching or punching machines, fitting them with the safety systems requested by the standards in force.


We offer a periodic maintenance programme, which can help you keep your machines in perfect working order, drastically reducing the eventuality of unexpected breakage or serious malfunctioning occurring


We can create custom-made training courses for your machine operators and retailers, designed to fit all your training needs.



The AVM Technical Support Department can provide on-site assistance and remote assistance, depending on the type and scope of your problem.




We can retrofit your equipment to upgrade it with state-of-the-art technology. We also overhaul your existing machines both electrically and mechanically.




We can replace your existing accident-prevention systems to adapt your machines to the standards in force.




Technical Support and Scheduled Maintenance Contract will keep your machine in optimal working condition.




Our specialised technicians can train your machine operators and retailers by means of training courses customised to fulfil your needs.




We offer a wide range of tools, consumables and accessories. Have a look at the dedicated section.


Ask for a custom quote

If you need further information or are looking for special services, please contact us for a free offer.

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